
Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello again! I have finally turned 18 on the 9th of December, now all I have to do is graduate high school. I am here today to blog about my ups and downs. I am doing fine in some of my classes, especially computer application 4. This class is the easiest class ever. My ups are  that I am smart and I like to work hard on things that dont bore me to death. My downs are that I get bored really fast, so I might stop doing my work and I can sometimes be lazy.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hey it's me again, this has been a new start to the 2nd marking period. We had started working on Adobe Illustrator and so far it has been great. I think this is better then Photoshop. I learned so many things from Illustrator. I learnd that Illustrator doesn't pixelate the pics, everything is clear. Out of the four years i've been at this school, this is the best thing I had ever done.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hi, it's me again. I just wanted to tell you about our spirit week that has happened a few weeks ago. The first day of spirit week was awsome. The freshmen had to wear yellow, the sophmores had to wear green, the juniors had to wear orange, and the seniors had to wear royal blue (go seniors). The second day of spirit week, we had to wear michmatch clothes. All I did was wear different socks because i didnt have waky clothing. The third day of spirit week was throw back day. On throw back day, we wear clothes that made us look like we were in the 80s. On the last day of spirit week, we had red and black day. Everyone in the school should wear red and black to represent our school. Later that night, we had a game against Cedar Crest High School. During halftime we anounced the winners of the Home Coming king and queen. at the end of the game, we lost. I had never attended the Home Coming so i dont know if it went good or bad, but people had said that it was fun.

Friday, September 20, 2013

My first week of school is awesome. This is my last year becuase im a senior. The teachers are cool and sometimes fun. The best teacher I had for 3 years is Mrs. G. Even after I graduate, I'm goin to go and visit her when ever I get a chance. I get a lot of work in all my classes and a lot of homework. I have so much work and text books that my bookbag is at least 10 pounds. So far so good and I'm going to miss this school after i graduate McCaskey East.