
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hey. It's been a long times since I been blogging. I am here to blog about graduation. I will be graduating on June 11 of this year 2014. I am so happy that I wont have to deal with school anymore. When I graduate, I will be going to either HACC or YTI for culinary. I wont to be the next most famous chef in the world. I just wanted to be a great chef but there is 1 person who inspired me to become a famous chef and his name is Chef Gordon Ramsay the guy who made Hells Kitchen. From the shows I used to watch, he showed me that there is no limit to become the best chef in the world. I know that he has a temper but while he was yelling, I thought to myself that if you are going to be a chef you cant be a failure. You have to show everyone that you are the best and that there are no limits. I want to fulfill my dreams by being a great chef just like him and someday I want to be cooking by his side as his apprentice. This is my last day blogging during school but when I find time I will be back to blog about my experience of being a chef.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Hi, I am here to talk about El Chapo. El Chapo was 1 of the most powerful drug cartels. He was known all over Mexico. El chapo has been arrested before, but he excaped. Then he started doing what he does best and thats selling drugs. El Chapo was 1 of the most wanted man in the world. He had so many hideouts that it took years to find him. Since he was arrested a few days ago, Mexico started an uproar for his release.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hey! I want to tell you about how the weather was. The weather was horrible, there was to much snow. I had to shovel out my car and my dads car and clean of my moms truck. I also had to shovel out the snow of the sidewalk and I also helped a couple of other people get their car out the snow. We also might get more snow on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, January 31, 2014

I had been asked by my teacher on how it feels to be back on CSS, well im not to happy about it. CSS is a great thing to use but I think its too much to work with. To be honest, I would rather use notepad++ instead because im already use to it. Maybe I would get used to CSS when i learn more about it but im still gonna try and use it to my advantage and use CSS for my Computer Fair project.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hello again. This week was the hardest and the most tiring week so far. I had been testing all week. The test was so hard that I wanted to give up but I didnt. I was thinking about my college future so i tryied my hardest. The test I had the most trouble in is the CA midterms. I really dislike CA. Well I got to start studing for the finals :(.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello again! I have finally turned 18 on the 9th of December, now all I have to do is graduate high school. I am here today to blog about my ups and downs. I am doing fine in some of my classes, especially computer application 4. This class is the easiest class ever. My ups are  that I am smart and I like to work hard on things that dont bore me to death. My downs are that I get bored really fast, so I might stop doing my work and I can sometimes be lazy.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hey it's me again, this has been a new start to the 2nd marking period. We had started working on Adobe Illustrator and so far it has been great. I think this is better then Photoshop. I learned so many things from Illustrator. I learnd that Illustrator doesn't pixelate the pics, everything is clear. Out of the four years i've been at this school, this is the best thing I had ever done.