
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hey. It's been a long times since I been blogging. I am here to blog about graduation. I will be graduating on June 11 of this year 2014. I am so happy that I wont have to deal with school anymore. When I graduate, I will be going to either HACC or YTI for culinary. I wont to be the next most famous chef in the world. I just wanted to be a great chef but there is 1 person who inspired me to become a famous chef and his name is Chef Gordon Ramsay the guy who made Hells Kitchen. From the shows I used to watch, he showed me that there is no limit to become the best chef in the world. I know that he has a temper but while he was yelling, I thought to myself that if you are going to be a chef you cant be a failure. You have to show everyone that you are the best and that there are no limits. I want to fulfill my dreams by being a great chef just like him and someday I want to be cooking by his side as his apprentice. This is my last day blogging during school but when I find time I will be back to blog about my experience of being a chef.

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